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​Sebastian works with new writers, helping them develop their plays.

If you have a new play and would like to work on it, get in touch, for either a dramaturgy report or a workshop with actors.​

"For months I had not known what to do with my play, but through a fun and inspiring session led by Sebastian, elements I want to work on have clearly revealed to me. I wish to take more; knowing that I can ask Sebastian’s assistance makes me feel supported and motivated in my creative journey."

Natsu Hirukawa

“Working with Sebastian when writing my play not only gave me much-needed perspective but also helped me with structure and tone.  Sebastian's experience and insight allowed me to approach my writing process in a much more professional way”

Melanie Barnes

“Because Sebastian can see through to the core of a play, the suggestions given about how to improve it are insightful and spot on.”

Dan Davies

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